I want to go to the Mall of America. The Mall of America is in Bloomington Minnesota. I would take my Grandma Z. She would love that place because she loves clothes and shoes and jewelry.
I want to explore the mall. I would like to go there because I like to shop. I like amusement parks and the mall has one that looks like fun. It has neat looking statues and buildings. I would like to eat a big bowl of ice cream.
I want to go to Moose Mountain Adventure golf. I would golf at least two times around the course.
I'd like to sleep in all their fancy hotels. It would be nice to have someone else do my chores and make my bed so my blankets don't fall off. I would swim and swim in their pool I don't have a pool at home.
I would like to go see their fish aquarium. I've always been interested in fish. I want to see the pretty fish in their habitat. I want to see the sharks.
I wish I could go to the Mall of America for real. I haven't had a vacation for a long time. I like what I've seen about it.
Let's plan a trip to Mall of America for a future vacation. That sounds like fun.
Grandma Z.
hey devorah! great blog. i specially liked how you haven't had a vacation in a long time. you will pretty soon.
i read about your snowball fight. did you manage to hit anyone with snowballs?
grandma m
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